Welcome to WHDT's Website: Winter 2022
The story of how this came to pass is one of perseverance and patience. In the 1970s and 80s, the National Park Service actively sought to purchase and remove cabins in Wilsonia. Close to 100 cabins and all commercial property were purchased and totally removed. If nothing had been done Wilsonia would have probably vanished. But in 1991, at a meeting in the clubhouse, a group of cabin owners proposed the formation of a Historic District that would effectively halt the NPS "buy and remove" activities. It took several years and several thousands of dollars but in 1995 an ultimately successful application was made to the State of California's Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and word was received from Washington DC that the entire community of Wilsonia had been designated by the US Department of the Interior as a Historic District. This status put an immediate halt to the NPS activities to buy and remove cabins. The WHDT successfully renewed our community’s Historic District designation in 2011, as part of a process that requires such renewals every ten to fifteen years.
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Wilsonia Historic District Trust, Inc. - a 501(c)(3)